As the cold months approach, pool enthusiasts often ponder how to enjoy their pools without the water turning icy. Maintaining the water temperature is a prime concern for pool owners in winter. Fortunately, many tools are available to help you keep your pool warm, such as a solar pool cover, pool pump, and heater. In this blog, I will focus on one such tool: solar pool cover. I will also discuss what other functions solar pool covers have compared to ordinary ones that can keep the water surface clean.
Table of Contents
- What Are Solar Pool Covers?
- How Do Solar Pool Covers Work?
- Unique Benefits of Using Solar Pool Covers
- The Best Combo for Winter Pool Maintenance
- Conclusion: Are Solar Pool Covers Worth It?
What Are Solar Pool Covers?
Solar pool cover, AKA pool solar blanket is explicitly engineered to retain heat from within your pool. Its purpose is twofold: it absorbs sunlight and holds the warmth of the sun within your pool while keeping out dirt, leaves, and other debris that might happen to find its way into your pool.
Unlike regular pool covers, these solar pool covers for inground pools keep the pool clean and warm. They absorb heat from the sun and transfer it into your pool, thereby reducing the energy you have to spend to maintain a perfect average pool temperature for swimming. This makes them an eco-friendly option for maintaining your pool. Moreover, when the pool is not in use, the pool cover helps cut down on maintenance costs and reduce water loss to evaporation.
How Do Solar Pool Covers Work?
Solar pool covers are made from plastic. They look, roughly speaking, like a huge sheet of bubble wrap floating across the top of your water. The solar bubbles trap the sun’s heat and transfer it to water, operating like magnifying glasses. The result usually raises the pool’s temperature by about 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. In fact, it has been found that a solar pool cover helps prevent 98% of evaporation.
A solar pool cover floats on the surface of the water, thus creating a barrier that reduces evaporation. Much heat is lost through evaporation, and hence, more warmth is locked, keeping the pool warmer even on much cooler days.
In terms of heat efficiency, a solar pool cover is very efficient when you allow it to stay during the day, especially during the sun. However, once it becomes dark, they can retain the overnight heat. That means you will save double whatever you save regarding water temperature during the daytime because of this simple feature.
Unique Benefits of Using Solar Pool Covers
Here are reasons why using a solar pool cover will be a great experience for your inground pool:
Retain Water Temperature
The primary advantage of a solar pool cover is that it keeps your pool water warm by absorbing the sun’s UV rays. When the covers absorb and retain sunlight, you can expect a significant change in your water’s temperature within a short period of time, enabling you to swim for longer periods without having to heat the water.
Prevent Evaporation
Evaporation is the biggest culprit for losing heat in pools. The Department of Energy states that the largest amount of heat, or energy, lost in a swimming pool is through the evaporation of water. Depending on the temperature of your pool and the air temperature, as well as humidity, the amount of water that can evaporate from your pool is substantial, but evaporating 1 lb. of 80° F pool water uses an astonishing 1,048 BTUs of thermal energy taken directly from your pool’s heat. The greater the amount of water evaporating, the greater your loss of heat energy.
Reduce Chemical Use
When pool water evaporates, parts of the pool chemicals in your water are carried out with the water. Those chemicals must be replaced so that you have proper balance in your pool, especially when you add make-up water. By using solar cover to prevent the evaporation of your water, you are also avoiding the evaporation of your pool chemicals, thus eliminating the need to add more. This may save you as much as 60% in chemicals.
Reduce Energy Costs
A solar pool cover naturally warms your pool, saving you the expense of expensive heating systems. You will also cut back on energy consumption and lessen your pool’s environmental footprint.
The Best Combo for Winter Pool Maintenance:
In southern areas with more than 35 degrees north latitude, like Texas or Florida, the average winter temperature is rarely lower than 40°F (about 4°C). Outdoor pools in these places do not typically freeze. This allows you to swim throughout the year, particularly with the help of a solar pool cover.
Even if the temperature drops a little lower, the cover will allow for very comfortable swimming. Such temperatures are ideal for robotic pool cleaners like the Aiper Scuba S1 Pro, which works parallel with your solar cover, removing debris and making the water crystal clear.
Conclusion: Are Solar Pool Covers Worth It?
Solar pool covers keep the water warm all year round, help reduce evaporation, and conserve chemicals. They are also environmentally friendly, economical, and a gentle tool for ease of use and convenience.
A robotic pool cleaner such as the Aiper Scuba S1 Pro becomes the perfect maintenance strategy, especially in milder winter climates where pools can be kept operational. The expense of solar covers can differ, but it is still between $50 and $300, depending on the size and quality. Considering the energy savings and the extended swimming season, the investment in solar pool covers is justified.
In addition to saving you many energy costs, solar pool covers and robotic cleaners contribute to more eco-friendly pool care. Try it this winter and keep your pool warm without breaking the bank.