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Choosing the Right Pool Length: A Guide with Pool Size Chart

When you are planning to build a pool in your backyard, you consider many aspects, including materials, overall cost, pool size, etc. After all, building a pool requires effort and budget and once it’s built, there’s no going back.

Among several considerations, one of the most important aspects of pool construction is pool size, as you want a pool that is big enough to accommodate everyone but, at the same time, must not take considerable space.

So, what’s the standard pool size and how do you know what pool size is ideal for you? We have curated this extensive guide to help you understand the best pool length for swimming.


Table of Contents


Understanding Different Pool Sizes and Their Uses

Pool size varies depending on the type of activity it is intended for. For instance, the size of a leisure pool may differ greatly from that of a competitive pool. The International Swimming Federation (FINA) provides guidelines for swimming pool length and width for competitions to standardize pool size.

As an overview, the standard pool size dimensions have a 2:1 Ratio (length to width). Lap pools are intended for bigger backyards, so their pool size is 40 feet x 10 feet. Since lap pools are longer, they are designed for you to swim laps in.

Considering residential pools, the in-ground pools start at 16 feet x 32 feet, and the above-ground pools have a pool size of 15 feet x 30 feet.

An Olympic-sized pool is specially designed for official competitive games and is much bigger than average pools. Considering its dimensions, the Olympic pool’s dimensions are 50 meters x 25 meters. It has a depth of 2 meters and comprises 10 lanes. Each lane is 2.5 meters wide.


Pool Size Chart: A Visual Guide to Pool Lengths

To help you find out the best pool length for swimming, we have curated this pool length chart. It depicts the length x width ratio of different types of pools.


A Pool Size Chart

Pool Type Intended Use Pool Dimensions
Lap pool Fitness 40 feet x 10 feet
In-ground pool Recreation 16 feet x 32 feet
Above-ground pool Recreation 15 feet x 30 feet
Olympic pool Competition 50 meters x 25 meters
Plunge pool Recreation 7 feet x 12 feet
L-shaped pool Recreation 38 feet x 16 feet


Lap pools have a longer length (40 feet) compared to width, as they are designed for swimmers to do laps and enhance their fitness. The residential pools, such as the in-ground pool, above-ground pool, plunge pool, and L-shaped pool, have a standard pool size that is neither too big nor too small as they are intended for relaxation.

The commercial pool, i.e., the Olympic-sized pool, has a much bigger length x width as it comprises multiple lanes and accommodates several competitive swimmers at a time.


Factors to Consider When Choosing Pool Length

Before you decide on a particular pool size, you must consider several factors, such as available space, your budget, and pool purpose.


A standard swimming pool with crystal clear water


Space and Location

The first aspect to consider is the available space and the intended location of the pool. First, consider your outdoor or indoor space and determine if you have the required space for pool installation without crowding the space. Then you also need to consider the pool regulations.


Budget Considerations

Bigger pools look appealing, but they also come at hefty prices. Consider the overall expense of constructing a pool, including pool material, equipment, and other related factors. Choose a particular pool size only if it falls within your budget.


Intended Use

Next, determine the purpose of pool installation, whether you want it for fitness or recreation, and then choose accordingly.


Future Needs

You also need to determine your future needs as the number of users in your family may increase over time so you need to choose a pool that can easily accommodate several users at once.


Choosing the Right Pool Length for Your Home

In addition to these factors, you must also choose the ideal length for your pool. As mentioned earlier, the pool size of residential pools differs from that of commercial pools.

  • Residential Pools: If you want a residential pool, consider your backyard size and your family’s requirements. If you have limited space, a small pool under 200 feet may be the best. But, if you have a big family then a medium-sized pool measuring 200-500 feet would be the best.
  • Lap Pools: If you want to exercise, then a lap pool would be ideal. They are longer in length and smaller in width. While the standard pool length of the lap pool is 40 feet, they can be smaller than 10 feet in width, for instance, 6 feet. These pool lengths are ideal for swimming laps.


Commercial and Public Pools: Catering to Diverse Needs

Like residential pools, commercial pools also offer enhanced leisure, relaxation, and fitness. They also come in different lengths, widths, and shapes. The most common pools found in hotels are infinity pools or rooftop pools that offer enhanced aesthetic appeal and beautiful views of the scenery. The public facilities usually include lap pools and children’s pools. The lap pool is designed for fitness and swimming laps, whereas the children’s pools are much smaller in size, allowing the kids to relax.


How Pool Length Affects Your Swimming Experience

The length of the pool also depends on your purpose, whether you want to swim for leisure or fitness. If your goal is competitive training, then the 25-meter pool is excellent, as it’s easier to stop and correct your form in a short course pool. This pool is ideal for short-distance training and speed.

If your goal is to increase endurance, then the 50-meter pool is ideal as the number of turns is reduced in this pool and you have to maintain your stroke technique for longer.

However, if you want to swim for leisure then your goal isn’t to reach the end but rather to relax in the pool so the ideal pool size would be 16 feet x 32 feet.


Conclusion: Making an Informed Decision on Pool Length

The particular pool size depends on your preferences, aims, budget, and needs. If you want a pool for recreation then the ideal pool size would be 16 feet x 32 feet but if you want to exercise, then a lap pool measuring 40 feet x 10 feet is the best. If you want to plan a pool from scratch then refer to our visual pool size chart to get a better idea on overall pool sizes.


FAQs About Pool Length

Q: What is the most common pool length for a backyard?

A: The most common pool length for an above-ground pool in the backyard is between 10 to 20 feet in width and 20 to 40 feet in length.


Q: How does pool length influence swimming training?

A: If the goal is increasing speed, then the 25m pool is ideal, but if it is to increase endurance, then the 50m pool is ideal for swimmers.


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