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The pool water is cloudy, with a submerged ladder barely visible beneath the surface.

Why Is My Pool Cloudy? Causes and Solutions Explained

Do you often face the issue of your pool water turning cloudy despite you doing regular maintenance? Turns out, it’s a surprisingly common occurrence that is caused by various factors, making it hard to detect the potential cause.

Cloudy pool water isn’t safe and may indicate the presence of harmful bacteria that could affect you and your loved ones’ health. Or it may be due to your pool’s malfunctioning circulatory system.

Whatever the cause, it is important to remove cloudiness to make it safe for use and to look aesthetically appealing. That’s why we have curated this comprehensive guide on how to clear a cloudy pool and have detailed the potential solutions to eliminate the possible causes. So, give this blog a thorough read.


Table of Contents


Common Causes of Cloudy Pool Water

You may ponder why my pool is cloudy. Pool cloudiness is a huge concern for pool owners and is something everyone faces once in a while so it is important to address the possible causes and their solutions to prevent this issue from happening.


Low Filtration Runtime

The major cause behind pool cloudiness may be due to low filtration runtime. A pool that is not run for at least 8 hours a day can get cloudy, especially if it is being used regularly. Since the pool’s filtration system eliminates bacteria 24/7, low runtime may cause bacteria to spread across the water, resulting in cloudiness. Also, a running pool makes it easier for the pool skimmer to remove debris and leaves and for the chlorine to do its job.


Cloudy pool water is blurry with blue hues.


How to Fix It:

To fix this issue, increase the pool filtration runtime to at least 8 hours a day and backwash your pool at least once a week to eradicate cloudiness.


Chemical Imbalances

Another cause of pool cloudiness may be due to chemical imbalance. If there is low chlorine, bacteria grow and spread throughout the pool water, turning the pool green and cloudy. This also happens due to high pH levels and alkalinity.

How to Fix It:

This problem can be solved by testing the pool water. If the chlorine level is too low, add a chlorine tablet and if the pool is green but chlorine is high, you can shock the pool and let it run for 2-3 days.  You can also adjust the pH levels this way. If there are other chemicals present, you can increase the pool runtime as the cloudiness will go away automatically over time.


Algae Growth

Sometimes, the pool may turn cloudy due to algae growth. It doesn’t necessarily mean that your pool water will turn green, it may assume different colors. The first step is to indicate the color of algae as different colors of algae have particular algaecides.

How to Fix It:

To solve this issue, add algaecide corresponding to the color along with a clarifier into the pool. A clarifier is not necessary but it increases the time it takes to clear up cloudiness. Once the chemicals have been added, brush down the pool, disturb the algae, and remove scum. Let the pool run for at least 2-3 days and backwash your pool filter at least once a day until water has cleared.

An important thing to note is that you must ensure your pool is completely free of algae as if left behind, it may grow again. If your pool water doesn’t clear up after a week, take a small sample of pool water to your local pool store for analysis.


Debris Accumulation

Excess debris may also affect your pool’s water quality and make it hard for pool cleaners to work. It also hinders the chlorine’s ability to remove bacteria from the pool.

How to Fix It:

Skim your pool regularly and ensure the skimmer’s basket is empty. You must also regularly vacuum your pool and backwash your filter weekly.


High Calcium Levels

High calcium levels can also cause pool cloudiness and create a calcium scale around your pool.

How to Fix It:

There are two ways to fix this issue. Add a clarifier into the pool and allow the filter to suck calcium. You can also drain the pool partially and allow the fresh water to dilute the calcium.


Elevated pH Levels

Pool cloudiness may be due to high pH levels. If the water pH is above 7.8, it can turn the pool cloudy.

How to Fix It:

Add a pH minus chemical into the pool to lower the pH level. Run the pool for at least 24 hours and check again.


DE Filter Issues

Sometimes, the issue could be due to faulty DE filters which use a white powder to facilitate filtration. These filters have screens inside them that need DE powder to maintain their filtering abilities. When the screens inside break down, they do not catch all the powder added and can release some back into the pool, making it cloudy.

Usually, when this happens, you may witness the pool get cloudy when adding the powder.

How to Fix It:

The ideal solution to this cause is to replace the internal screens of the filter on time.


Tips for Preventing a Cloudy Pool

If you wonder how to clear a cloudy pool at home, follow the tips mentioned below for great results.


Routine Testing and Maintenance

The best way to prevent pool cloudiness is to ensure routine testing and pool maintenance regularly. If your pool is in regular use, you must clean, skim, and vacuum it at least once a week to maintain water pristineness. Occasionally, check for pool filters and ensure they are running. You may also test water pH and alkalinity levels to see if they are in the optimal range.


Long-term Strategies for Keeping Pool Water Clear

You must invest in good-quality water filters and pool cleaners to ensure your pool stays crystal-clear and pristine for a long time. Add premium quality chemicals, as advised, to your pool to prevent bacterial or algal growth. If you want your pool’s maintenance handled professionally, consult the pool cleanliness experts to do the job for you.



Pool cloudiness is a huge issue affecting pool owners across the globe. It occurs due to multiple reasons so it is important to address these issues on time to protect your pool. Factors such as low pool runtime, high pH levels, faulty filters, or lack of routine maintenance usually result in such issues.

Hence, it is important to do routine testing and ensure regular maintenance to maintain crystal-clear pool water and make it safe for use.


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